Sunday, May 13, 2018

New on-line version of 'The Erotic Writer's Thesaurus'

Today, EftBB launches a brand new, fully updated on-line version of The Erotic Writer's Thesaurus a few days ahead of the publication of the unabridged print edition (available Tuesday, May 22, 2018 (see below)). As before, this free, abridged on-line edition is available to everyone. More comprehensive and consistent than the earlier version, the new on-line EWT is divided into two pages:

The old EWT page got its 10.000th hit yesterday (5/12/18), so this seems like an appropriate time to launch the new version.

Watch for the print edition,
Coming quickly to your favorite book-seller!

With over 10,000 entries and more than 1,800 examples of words in ‘real-world’ context, ‘The Erotic Writer’s Thesaurus’ is the most thorough, in-depth, serious reference of its kind. Besides all the expected “obvious” words—with long lists of creative substitutes—users will also find entries representing a wide range of gesture and emotion, words to establish erotic context and setting including common expressions, expletives, “swear words” and insults with “clean” alternatives, plus many antiquated or obsolete words  and phrases of value to writers of erotic historical narrative. For all serious writers, editors, and fans of adult genre and literary fiction.

Available Tuesday, May 22, 2018
through Amazon and Createspace,
All other seller shortly thereafter.
510 pages, 8.5 x 11, double columns, featuring 10-point fonts.
 (Note that most dictionaries feature between 4- to 6-point type)
$22.50 USD

Availability of other formats TBA

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